March Newsletter

22 March 2021

President / Committee Column

Well February was interesting with the COVID levels yo-yoing but it is still good to be back on court and playing when we can!

Our Thursday night social group are enjoying the bar being up and running as well, which is good for the club! Interclub has been a disruptive affair however the Autumn round is continuing through to the school holidays.

Tournament season has kicked off so look out for notices coming out on social media or on our club noticeboards, including our Football Open poster later in the newsletter and also check on iSquash to put in your entries.

Thank you to our members and friends and family that attended the Quiz night at Bailies Bar on Sunday 8th March. We had 53 people participate in the evening with plenty of raffles, and both a gin & bourbon slide. Many thanks to Bailies bar our hosts, and our prize sponsors including Peter Timbs, Super Liquor Edgeware & Papanui, and club member donations.

Working Bee – Thursday 25th March from 6.30pm the court walls, changing rooms and windows are the focus of this working bee plus changing the blown court lightbulbs. If you can stop in for an hour or so please do as many hands make light work. There will be pizza & beer to follow for volunteers.

Golf Day – Sunday 28th March 10.30am at Hagley Golf Course $25.00 incl 9 holes & BBQ. Thanks in advance to Richard who organises the day including plenty of prizes on the table at the end of the round! Please let Grace know if you are attending on, as this will assist with catering. It is always a fun day out and if nothing else, especially if you golf game is like mine, it is a nice walk around the park with a group of good people.

Subscriptions for the 2021 year, as passed at the AGM, are due by 31 March 2021 . We recommend paying promptly to ensure no interruption to your ability to book courts, as your swipe tag will be made inactive on 1 April until payment is made. As advised by Grace payment can be made into the Christchurch Football Squash Account 12-3149-0271005-00, with your name as the reference. Contact Grace to discuss membership and direct debit payment options

Happy Squashing

Kirsty 027 2497077,

Administrator Contact: Contact Grace Allen for all member and other admin related queries. Email or phone 027 577 8274

Christchurch Football Squash Club